Tel +34 616 582 787



Imagine practicing your distance control and having a large number of greens in front of you to practice every distance of your short game. “Hitting the number.” This is the basis behind the development of the SWG Range Distance Target Green System (RDT System).

With the ability to create bunkers using our proprietary bunker turf – having the same look and feel of natural sand bunkers – our RDT System is the perfect short range target option to create beautifully sculpted and shaped zones in the driving range, enhancing the range esthetics. This engineered system creates the balance between a budget conscious solution for our clients while at the same time delivering both beauty and performance for their clientele!

Any questions or enquiries just call +34 616 582 787

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Copyright © 2025 Southwest Greens Construction, trading name for Bli Groep BV., exclusive construction company for Southwest Greens International LLC. All rights reserved. Southwest Greens International LLC is a division of Shaw Industries, a Berkshire Hathaway Company. | Tel. +34 616 582 787  |  Site Terms  |  Privacy Policy  |  SITE BY CREATIVE AGENDA