Tel +34 616 582 787



Developed as a performing target green system that exceeds all expectations on the driving range.

Our clients are communicating the increasing desire to “enhance the driving range experience” for their clientele through beautifully sculpted target greens that perform, enabling the player to practice “real golf shots”.

The idea behind the RPP System is to take some of the performance attributes of the PRO System – that being an effective ball bounce and ball bite – and creating a value product for the driving range. A green that looks beautiful from a distance, and gives the kind of ball bounce performance the golfer wants to see when their golf shot lands in its intended spot – on the target green surface.

Any questions or enquiries just call +34 616 582 787

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Copyright © 2025 Southwest Greens Construction, trading name for Bli Groep BV., exclusive construction company for Southwest Greens International LLC. All rights reserved. Southwest Greens International LLC is a division of Shaw Industries, a Berkshire Hathaway Company. | Tel. +34 616 582 787  |  Site Terms  |  Privacy Policy  |  SITE BY CREATIVE AGENDA